Elder Arsenie Papacioc on repentance and prayer
There is no reason for sadness when we have God as Savior, when He can forgive us for all our sins!
Is repentance a gift from God?
Elder Arsenie:
First of all, to cry is a great thing, which we shouldn't ask God for. You need to be thankful for small gifts because if you are grateful for them, then they are not small, since our Great God knows them. And by being grateful that you have a small gift, you humble yourself the way God likes it, so that you don't compare yourself with others. And tears will come without us asking for them.
Nobody can tell how tears come. They rush upon you all of a sudden! But there are also unseen tears. You don't necessarily need to cry so people can see you. Deep repentance - that is what unseen tears are! You are sorry, and tears also come to you! Because crying is an invisible process that escapes all explanations. Everyone has tears. It is a state of deep piety. There comes a moment when you say: "I have been such a sinner! How does God still have patience with me?" And this crying cleanses us very much indeed. But, I repeat, there are also unseen tears.
Tell us about a prayer schedule. How can we order our time, how can we discipline ourselves?
Elder Arsenie:
Yes. This is the schedule: always!
But how can we still say our prayers when we have to study?
Elder Arsenie:
When you have a job, whether you are a physician, college student, or professor, do your duty there like a Christian, and that way, fulfill God's word! And when you leave from there and are free, say your prayers.
We know it is very good to read the Psalter, but there are Psalms that we don't understand, we don't find ourselves in them. Is it good to still read them even if we don't understand them?
Elder Arsenie:
Yes! You don't need to understand them right away. You understand them in time. It is good to read them even if you don't find yourself in them or you don't understand them. Because it could be that they talk about the unseen enemy, the devil, and you interpret them. Keep reading them. And there will come a day when God, either through someone who might surprise you, or Personally, will explain the Psalms to you, because nothing remains unexplained from the Holy Scriptures.
From the parable of the prodigal son, should we understand that God loves the one who repents more than the one who serves Him permanently?
Elder Arsenie:
No! The brother who fell, who was full of himself, when we came and saw the great loving-kindness of his father, acted foolishly. Because he said: “All these years, I’ve been slaving for you and never disobeyed your orders. Yet you never gave me even a young goat so I could celebrate with my friends.” Why did he say “young goat” and not “lamb”? Because the goat is considered to be a bad thing, that is, the devil. “You never gave me a young goat” - this means partying that was not allowed. And the prodigal son was better than this son. Because God leaves all His house behind and looks for the lost sheep. He loves and searches for that one. But this doesn’t mean that the other son is not loved. But he loves the prodigal son because he needs love.
It is said about the Holy Apostle John that he was the apostle loved by Christ, but do you think He didn’t love the other apostles? But what happened was that the Holy Apostle John had a great capacity for letting himself be loved.
What can you tell us about repentance done with joy, and repentance done with a certain sadness of the heart, with fear of God and death?
Elder Arsenie:
My dear ones! There is no reason for sadness when we have God as Savior, when He can forgive us for all our sins! There is none! But, if there is repentance - that I have sinned and upset God’s goodness - then your repentance is pleasing to God. Because every person who has sinned repents. But not like “Ha, ha, ha!” - but with tears. Who dares to say he has never sinned? And who among you can throw a stone because you have never sinned? Everybody has sinned! But sin needs repentance so that it can be made right. You repent, and you rejoice. You rejoice somewhere inside that God has given you the gift of repentance. But you know, we don’t have the certainty that He accepts our repentance. We only have the hope that He will accept it. I am not sure of my salvation, but I have hope for it!
Translated from “Elder Arsenie speaks to us, Vol. 2”, “Episcopia Romanului Press”, 1997